Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Why Do We Love The Wrong Things?

I found this picture while looking for some artwork for my previous blog post, Don't Fall Victim, if you haven't checked it out click on the link and take a gander!

I think it is very interesting that majority of Negro actresses are portrayed in this light (and willingly accept roles like those mentioned above).

Why do we love the wrong things? Why do we support these type of shows that portray us in such a negative, stereotypical way? Why can't our multi-talented actors/actresses gain better roles than the ones mentioned above (or slave/gangster/sidekick roles)? And when they do, why don't we support them?

We, Negro people, as a nation must ask ourselves these questions...and be real with our answers & ourselves. It's not that we love to see our people in this light but we are being forcefully fed/programmed/conditioned to "enjoy" these types of "entertainment" (yet many people re-enact what they see on t.v., in real life). People learn vicariously through others and unfortunately, we are learning all of the wrong things through T.V./media.

Wake up people!

I hope this picture/post has sparked some type of interest on this matter...it is one that certainly deserves a second look.

Dig Deeper than top surface!


  1. I'm not sure that "interesting" is the right word when addressing the portrayal of African-Americans in the media so much as "intentional." It's a shame but white supremacy is still a real thing. As to why we support things like this... Well, not all white supremacists are white.

    1. Sorry for such a late response but I definitely agree with you Malik. It's heartbreaking to see that we now do the very things our oppressors did to us, to each other. Crazy, ridiculous! Unfortunately, it seems like things are not going to get better until we as a whole do something about it...but the things we need to do is the things nobody (or at least it seems that way) want to do. It's crazy to think that as little as 50 years ago, our ancestors were marching, boycotting, and fighting back against all of the treachery we're now (discreetly) seeing reemerge...smh. Will we ever really do anything about it? Does anyone really care anymore? Or should we finish this conversation after Love & Hip hop (or any other meaningless stereotypical show) go off??? 😞
