Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Year, New You...Doing the Same Ole Stuff

A "new year" has come upon us! It's January 2014! Cheers!!!...right?!

I mean, it's the beginning of a new year, people are excited about all of the resolutions they've made, and this is the height of the time when people are ready to start afresh, try new things, and be a better them.

I'm sure everyone understands that with the start of a new year it also brings the start of the yearly cycles of spending money frivolously celebrating every unnecessary holiday under the sun. I would assume most people would say that it's the beginning of the yearly "good times".

Yeah, sure...

And to some folks, this is the time they wait on all year; it's the right time to start over and (I assume) even start saving up money for the upcoming holiday seasons. Yeah, (in my mind) it's really that serious for some people...(hehehe)

The truth of the matter is, is that I use to be like that too (minus the saving money early for the holidays..didn't have much of it to save in the 1st place). Ha! 

Since last year, (since i've made major changes in my life) I've begun asking myself...why? Why do people continuously celebrate the things they do...EVERY darn year? and without any hesitation or question?!

I've previously posted  information about a few of the beloved "holidays" that's being pushed onto the public, and I highly recommend that you read that post along with this one.

I now feel that, once again, it's time that I dive into a few more holy days oops, I mean holidays many people ignorantly celebrate... and  I really feel compelled to inform the public with information that I have discovered from researching the web, YouTube, and the Bible. (and as always, if you care you should always take responsibility for yourself and research anything I, or anyone else, present to you. And of course, let the Father guide you to the truth...)

Here are a few videos I suggest you watch if you really want to learn more on what it is you are truly celebrating...in this present day. And just because society may call it a different name or celebrate it in a modernized way...does not mean that it's OK (unless you want to celebrate it regardless to the facts).

"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig."

*Disclaimer: My goal is never to looked down on other people. Before I changed my lifestyle, I used to celebrate the same holiday's i'm now exposing. My goal is to help people by posting/writing the truth. If you, after reading/viewing the material, still decide to partake in those things, that is your prerogative. 

For this post, I'll only dive in to about 3 or 4 holidays and I'm hopeful that you'll get my drift. If not, i'll spit it out in the conclusion.

Birthdays: Although birthdays are not "holidays", lots of people treat them as such. Most people throw themselves, or others, elaborate parties that are filled with gifts, guests, and food. For most, the motive behind having a birthday bash is to celebrate one's life and to just simply have fun. Yet truthfully, when people are celebrating their birthday they are really doing nothing more than boosting their ego and displaying vanity.

Valentine's Day: A day supposedly filled with love, passion, and gift giving. But the real question is, is there more to this story? Hmm, let's see!

Mardi Gras: As a New Orleans native, I know plenty about Mardi Gras. When I was younger, I've been to the parades and even witnessed the craziness of Burbon St. before (once, and I was so freaked out by it all that I never desired to return). What's the truth behind this holiday?

*Unfortunately, I was unable to find any substantial videos on this subject. However, there's an article (posted on RealTruth.org) that has great information on the origins of Mardi Gras.

Here are a few excerpts from the article Mardi Gras- Just Harmless Fun? posted on RealTruth.org:

From Ancient Times

This may come as a surprise, but Mardi Gras long predates Christianity. The earliest record comes from ancient times, when tribes celebrated a fertility festival that welcomed the arrival of spring, a time of renewal of life. The Romans called this pagan festival Lupercalia in honor of “Lupercus,” the Roman god of fertility. Lupercalia was a drunken orgy of merrymaking held each February in Rome, after which participants fasted for 40 days.
Interestingly, similar to modern celebrations, the Romans donned masks, dressed in costumes and indulged all of their fleshly desires as they gave themselves to the gods “Bacchus” (god of wine) and “Venus” (goddess of love). The masks and costumes were used as disguises to allow sexual liberties not normally permitted as individuals engaged in “bacchanal,” the drunken and riotous occasion in honor of Bacchus. (The word “bacchanal” is still associated with Carnival celebrations to this day.)

Is This Real Fun?

In light of its sordid origin, should Mardi Gras still be viewed as harmless fun? Does God allow Christians to cast off all restraint and participate in its festivities—drunkenness, lewdness, public nudity, homosexuality, illicit sex, revelry and brawling—which He calls “the works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19-21)?
Mardi Gras represents a blend of religion and immorality, steeped in ancient pagan fertility rites. Many of the parades celebrate and honor false gods such as Bacchus and Venus; others promote fornication and drunkenness—conduct that ends marriages, breaks up families and destroys lives! Professing Christians should take heed: Drunkenness, fornication and such reveling are among the kinds of conduct that exclude one from inheriting the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9-10).
It is hypocritical for anyone who claims to seek or serve the true God to participate in a festival that originates from paganism and promotes immoral behavior. Not only should Christians not participate in evil, God commands them to avoid even the appearance of evil (I Thes. 5:22). This certainly applies to Mardi Gras.
Easter: I uploaded a video on this holiday before and since Easter is one of the first few holidays celebrated at the start of the new year, I think it would be beneficial to re-post that video again. Enjoy.


There are many, many more holy days holidays I could've uploaded and/or elaborated on, but why? After watching all of the videos (and reading the article) I posted, the drift I hoped you caught was that every holiday that is promoted in America is pagan or have pagan origins. 

It's funny that the Christian church celebrate and promote these holidays too; because that religion claims to be "followers" of the Word. Yet, if only believers in the Word would just take the time to research and read the Bible themselves without heavily relying on their pastor (or TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers, etc) to teach them... they would see that it is evident that The Father does not want us to be, or do, as the pagans. 

Like i've mentioned over and over again...I use to participate in the same holidays i'm now warning others about. I can relate, I have compassion, and yes, I use to enjoy them a lot. However, I now get my joy from following the Word in truth. Truth-be-told, sometimes I fall and sometimes I mess up. I'm not perfect...but i'm striving for perfection. And in order to be perfect (or at least, begin the process), you gotta start letting go the things that aren't good for you...Even if you think they are. 

Simply put:

If He says don't do it... Don't do it.
