Monday, December 16, 2013

Rediscovering Why I Do, What I Do

Today I've discovered something...
Well I didn't really discover it, I just re-realized it, like it was the very first time. 

I've discovered how liberating and satisfying studying the Word could really be! And I'm not talking about opening the Bible and reading a few lil' verses. No, I'm talking about getting in the Word and digging for truth and clarity; 'cause sometimes you just don't know who to believe when you're searching for the truth (and as far as what to believe when listening to other people like pastors, friends, etc.)

I'm beginning to really, really realize that I'm fairly new to this (walking independently with The Lord/realizing who I am) and at times I get super-hyped up when I watch videos containing new info on the Word and easily overwhelmed when I try to digest too many different "facts" all at the same time. 

So I decided (with the encouragement from my hubby) to take things slow, get off YouTube every so often, and really allow the Father to take control of my life/lead me where He wants me to go and allow Him to decide what I learn and when I learn it.

By doing this, I understand that that means I'm allowing the Father to direct my paths in everything I do (which is what Proverbs 3:5-6 is all about)...

Now...although I have decided to begin living my life in this "new" manner, I recently pondered on these thoughts to myself:
•Am I suggesting to others that this is the easiest thing I've ever done, walking with the Lord? 
•Am I suggesting that it is very easy letting the Lord strip me of certain desires and other things? The very thing(s) the World says you need in order to be considered a success.  
•Better yet, am I implying that giving someone else control over one's life and not always knowing what's the next step is easy to do? 

My answer: of COURSE NOT!

Quite frankly, this has been the most challenging and rewarding aspect and past year of my life!

This past year (2013) alone I've been through things that, most would agree, should've made me say "forget this!"

But instead of giving up on Him, I gave up on me...I gave up on my logic, on my passion for frivolous things... I gave up on this life.

Throughout the Word, it gives you many examples of people putting aside their desires, logic, and livelihood in order to fully walk with the Lord (just to name a few: Abraham, Moses, and all of the disciples)... And I know that to some people, I may sound crazy saying that it is my fullest desire to do the samething those people, my ancestors, did back then. 
Ya know, in psychology what i'm doing is called delaying gratification... But truthfully, what I'm really doing is obeying my Messiah and waiting on the Kingdom to come. 

I know, I know, I seem so very strange to a lot of people... mostly my family and a few friends (who have an inclination about what I'm doing, but could really careless either way). And although I'm aware that people are looking at me like I'm crazy, i've come to the point where I simply do not care what people they think anymore...

Now, my main focus in life is striving to be a godly woman; a woman filled with compassion, meekness, strength, confidence, love, honesty, courage, virtue, and wisdom. The list could go on and on but if I had to sum it up, I'd have to say the essence of what im pursuing is perfection in the eyes of the Father, to be how He designed the woman before the fall of Eve. 
And, of course, to live my life the way He instructed all of His children/followers to do so... Follow His laws and commandments, accept His son as Messiah, be good to your fellow brethren, and stay away from idolatry/false gods.

I know those things I mentioned above may not seem easy to do (initially),and I would be lying if I'd say that I've never done wrong since walking this new path He has me on.... but honestly, I greatly enjoy pursuing this new way of life everyday and i'll continue to strive to be better/do better for the rest of my life...

Again, sometimes I mess up, sometimes I have to catch myself from being haughty/angry/jealous and just feeling 'blah', and sometimes I get so confused as to why The Lord has allowed this or that to happen to me but that never makes me want to give up. 

This year alone, I have seen so many wonderful and wondrous things happen; in which I knew/know that the Father is the only one that could've possibly allowed that to occur, that it keeps me so motivated and moved to continue on this path He has me on; no matter how frustrated and confused I may get. And another reason why I never gave up is because I know that as long as I'm doing what He desires, I'll never fail in anything, no matter how bad it may look on the outside. 

Overall, I can honestly say that I'm so grateful to have learned, and experienced, all that I have in 2013 and this year, so far.

I'd rather (repeatedly) experience the things I've learned/went through this year, than have to be constantly lied to and unknowingly lead astray each and every (Sun)day, month, and year!

One last thing, in the Word it says Ask and you shall receive... 

And I notice everyone is asking for good health, big houses, nice cars and   clothes...But nobody is asking for the truth, and that is what really sets you free...


Thursday, December 12, 2013

What Us?

Lately, I have notice that I often slip into deep thought... I catch myself wondering what happened to us?
What has happened to the Negro nation over the past 70-80 years? How could we have become so detached from the unity we once possessed long, long ago?


Why do we chase after things that deteriorate? I mean, people kill, steal, and lie for things that can be easily stolen, broken, confiscated, and burned away. 
Our society (and our race) thrives on "stunting" on other people/each other, we/it thrive on pushing people to reach for the stars...but when they get there, they usually look down on the other ones trying to climb up...


Why would we do this to one another? Why would we want to look down on anybody...why not help those who can't help themselves (and have a desire to genuinely want to help them, wanting nothing in return)?


Why do we put on such charades?

Maybe this video will help explain a little more....

Negros: From Slavery to Present Day

The Willie Lynch Syndrome 

It's really sad to see how far back we've turned and how we don't even know it. It saddens me to see that we kill, steal, rape, harm, hate (and do things much much worse) to one another. We do the same things our slave masters use to do to us...

I guess they taught us well...

Let's stop falling prey to all of the things we've been unknowingly/willingly indoctrinated with and all of the things that made us (and is still making us) die in ignorance.
Let's begin to put forth the effort to change from (and take some responsibility for) the mistakes we, including our ancestors, have made in the past.

It angers me that we were so bamboozled, that we were so harshly fooled. Yet, with all of the resources available today, we still are too stiff-necked to care.. It truly amazes me when I think back on how far we came and how we continue to allow ourselves to be entrapped by the vicious cycles that plague us...

What has happened to the Negro race?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Newness (Original Poetry)

Fighting everything I see
Battling against pleasures
Other people push on me

Never knew it was really wrong
Guess I never really cared
To busy enjoying all the pleasures
Over here and over there

I still felt empty
Like a glass, far from full

I felt like an old autumn leaf
Barely hanging to a tree
Getting beaten by the cold, cold wind

Then my life changed
I started to breathe again,
The newness started to take its shape

I stop worrying about what they were doing
And what they might have heard, thought, or said

Now, I’m living my life for someone else
I have a new focus, in front of me
I’m not worried about the repercussions…
I’m not worried about any repercussions I may receive.

I only want to please one person
A dear, dear Friend of mine
Someone I think very highly of

‘Cause when I was that leaf
Barely hanging to that tree
He was the only one...
Willing to catch, me

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Are You Suffering From Pied Piper Syndrome?

What You Should Know about the Traditions You Follow...

It's that time of the year again, holiday season. A time when people all over the world get together and celebrate various traditions by buying merchandise, preparing big dinners/feasts, and things of that nature.

Have you ever asked yourself where do traditions come from?

I know it's carried down throughout the ages and people continue the cycle by teaching a new generation what they've learned previously, or from their ancestors. But why do we follow the traditions we follow? Where did those traditions come from? And is it consistent with what we've been taught to believe?
(of course this is for those who believe in the Bible, whether you call yourself a Christian or not)

Those are the type of questions I'm sure most people do not ask themselves...quite frankly, I never asked myself those questions because I was too busy enjoying them to care. But now that I don't follow mainstream religion or even the things mainstream media push, I'm now able to see the errors of my past... and all it took was a little reading the Word, researching on online, and desiring to stop participating in them.

It's also been a little easy for me to stop because I began reminiscing on the horrible things my ancestors had to endure and I realized they had to endure those things because they would not listen to the Lord; they were forced to endure those curses for a set amount of time.

Let's continue...and while we're on this topic, I wanted to provide everybody with the true definition of holiday. A holiday is a term derived from holy day; and on those holy days, religious festivals occur.

So here is what I've discovered so far, about the three main holidays many people celebrate...

Easter...The celebration of the Savior's resurrection. Christian's often celebrate this holy day (holiday) by attending a (Good) Friday and/or Sunday church service, having communion with one another, and by having a big family dinner, etc.
Interestingly, Easter holy day is also heavily involved with Easter eggs and bunnies; which is odd because what does eggs and bunnies have to do with celebrating the Savior's resurrection???

*Disclaimer-- For some reason, the YouTube videos I posted are not playing or showing up at all on mobile devices; so I will leave the link above the video. If you do not see the video, just click on (or copy/paste) the links.

Click on this video and/or link to learn more (must watch video!)

Thanksgiving...Another celebration in which people all around the world (or all around America) come together and have a great feast with family and friends. In addition, Thanksgiving supposedly began when the Pilgrims and Indians had their first big feast together after helping one another during harvest season...(or something like that, i'm trying to remember what I was taught during elementary school in regards to why Thanksgiving "really" happened).
Very interesting indeed...but what really happened during Thanksgiving and why is this tradition being pushed so heavily?

Take a look down below:

*Attention--Unfortunately, mostly all of the videos I searched for told the story of Native Indians and how they suffered through a period of genocide. However, some (if not all) of the videos mentioned that the Indians were apart of the Hebrew nation...which is false. They are not apart of the 12 tribes, I was only showing this video so people could see that horrific origins of a holiday many people celebrate.

Christmas...aah Christmas, the day the Savior was born. A day many people celebrate by attending Sunday church services, buying presents, giving aid to the needy, and (just like mostly all of the other holy days)  being celebrated in the US and all over the world) preparing a big dinner for family and friends.
Supposedly, Christmas is the day that the Messiah was born; He is supposed to be "the reason for the season", but for many this season is all about buying gifts for loved ones and it's pretty much all about vanity, lust, and greed.

Let's find out more about this holy day that so many people love so much. After all, it is the Messiah's birthday, right?!

Check out this video (must see!):

*(Besides the ending to this video, I think it did a good job at describing the true origin of "Christmas")*


By now, hopefully, you have come to a deeper understanding of what it is you are truly following when you celebrate the holidays of America and the world. Furthermore, I think it's really safe to say that all holidays (Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, including the ones mentioned above, etc.) pushed through mainstream media and religion are pagan; but if you don't believe me, that's fine...All you'd have to do is type in pagan origins of       (whatever holiday you celebrate) and I guarantee some history will pop up.

Here's one last question you should ask yourself, if you are a follower of the Word...Why aren't any of the Holy days the Creator established in the earlier parts of the Word ever followed in mainstream media, religion, and especially the Christian church? Why aren't His Holy days ever mentioned? the Feast of Tabernacles, First Fruits, etc. It almost seem like someone don't want His followers doing any of that...

Hmm, very interesting indeed.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Chasing a Dream...Deeper into Deception

If you've been keeping up with this (fairly new) blog, you know that I have changed my beliefs and discovered exactly who I am in this world. But before this had ever happened, I was a Christian claiming to be "in the World, but not of it". In retrospect, that was a complete lie. I thought I wasn't of the world but... indeed I was.

I placed much emphasis on trying to grasp vain things like big bank accounts, fancy clothes, respectable titles, etc. (Even though the Word never instructs us to go after vanity or materialistic things). I chased after becoming a great women in the world and I was in heavy pursuit.

Then everything changed...

I woke senses were elevated and I was able to realize the BS that I and a lot of other people was/are chasing.

I call them falsities (dreams).

Before this year, I never really put much thought into those falsities but I was becoming much more aware of them. However, I was so busy pursuing my 'purpose' that I didn't even realize that I was chasing after a dream, even though that's what I thought I was supposed to be doing at the time.

I was taught to desire the "American Dream," to pursue higher learning, to reach for the stars and become my greatest potential...I did that, all of that. I went to school, I earned great grades, I was making that dream come to life.

Yet, I was still unsatisfied...

I was also going to church every Sunday (or most Sundays), tithing, "trying" my best to live according to His word and be a great Christian while waiting on my blessing...

Yet again, I was still unsatisfied...

Now that I think about it, I really wasn't trying to be the best anything. I mean, yes, I did fantastic in school but I kept studying a major that I often said I hated; one that I knew essentially opposed everything I learning about the Bible, but I kept studying it. Moreover, I claimed that I was trying to be a great Christian (and maybe I did) and though I did not do majorly disrespectful or harmful things while I was a Christian; nevertheless, I still had persistent flaws with the way I was living, behaving, and thinking.

Looking back now I see that through chasing all of those falsities (or dreams), I myself became one too. You cannot think that if you are chasing a lie, that you won't become a lie too, right? Even if you think you are not, you are...because deep down you'll know that something isn't right...but the more you chase after it (whatever it maybe), the less you'll be able to (or even want to) see what is and isn't a lie anymore...

But I have changed. I gave up those falsities and I truly do not desire them anymore. In the beginning it was hard, I mean, you are literally going against everything you've learn throughout your whole life and the reason I was turning my back on it all was because I decided to follow the Word truthfully, putting forth real effort this time. Essentially, I decided to give up my as I knew it; celebrating birthdays, holidays, eating all sorts of foods, living in sin, and pursuing my own desires in life...

Overall, this year has taught me many things about this world, the Word, and myself. I am beginning to realize my place in this puzzle and what I need to do in order to not be sucked back into any falsity again.

Now, I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life that I truly desire, while using every ounce of effort in my body, to follow the Word and live according to His way.

And though it's not always easy, I'm so glad and thankful I am pursuing this way of life now. It is the best thing that has ever happened to me because I am finally free from chasing a dream and now I realize the truth.

...I can only hope that other people will begin to recognize where they have erred in their ways and instead, develop a deep desire to follow Him in truth too.