What You Should Know about the Traditions You Follow...
Have you ever asked yourself where do traditions come from?
I know it's carried down throughout the ages and people continue the cycle by teaching a new generation what they've learned previously, or from their ancestors. But why do we follow the traditions we follow? Where did those traditions come from? And is it consistent with what we've been taught to believe?
(of course this is for those who believe in the Bible, whether you call yourself a Christian or not)
Those are the type of questions I'm sure most people do not ask themselves...quite frankly, I never asked myself those questions because I was too busy enjoying them to care. But now that I don't follow mainstream religion or even the things mainstream media push, I'm now able to see the errors of my past... and all it took was a little reading the Word, researching on online, and desiring to stop participating in them.
It's also been a little easy for me to stop because I began reminiscing on the horrible things my ancestors had to endure and I realized they had to endure those things because they would not listen to the Lord; they were forced to endure those curses for a set amount of time.
Let's continue...and while we're on this topic, I wanted to provide everybody with the true definition of holiday. A holiday is a term derived from holy day; and on those holy days, religious festivals occur.
So here is what I've discovered so far, about the three main holidays many people celebrate...
Easter...The celebration of the Savior's resurrection. Christian's often celebrate this holy day (holiday) by attending a (Good) Friday and/or Sunday church service, having communion with one another, and by having a big family dinner, etc.
Interestingly, Easter holy day is also heavily involved with Easter eggs and bunnies; which is odd because what does eggs and bunnies have to do with celebrating the Savior's resurrection???
*Disclaimer-- For some reason, the YouTube videos I posted are not playing or showing up at all on mobile devices; so I will leave the link above the video. If you do not see the video, just click on (or copy/paste) the links.
Click on this video and/or link to learn more (must watch video!)
Thanksgiving...Another celebration in which people all around the world (or all around America) come together and have a great feast with family and friends. In addition, Thanksgiving supposedly began when the Pilgrims and Indians had their first big feast together after helping one another during harvest season...(or something like that, i'm trying to remember what I was taught during elementary school in regards to why Thanksgiving "really" happened).
Very interesting indeed...but what really happened during Thanksgiving and why is this tradition being pushed so heavily?
Take a look down below:
*Attention--Unfortunately, mostly all of the videos I searched for told the story of Native Indians and how they suffered through a period of genocide. However, some (if not all) of the videos mentioned that the Indians were apart of the Hebrew nation...which is false. They are not apart of the 12 tribes, I was only showing this video so people could see that horrific origins of a holiday many people celebrate.
Christmas...aah Christmas, the day the Savior was born. A day many people celebrate by attending Sunday church services, buying presents, giving aid to the needy, and (just like mostly all of the other holy days) being celebrated in the US and all over the world) preparing a big dinner for family and friends.
Supposedly, Christmas is the day that the Messiah was born; He is supposed to be "the reason for the season", but for many this season is all about buying gifts for loved ones and it's pretty much all about vanity, lust, and greed.
Let's find out more about this holy day that so many people love so much. After all, it is the Messiah's birthday, right?!
Check out this video (must see!):
By now, hopefully, you have come to a deeper understanding of what it is you are truly following when you celebrate the holidays of America and the world. Furthermore, I think it's really safe to say that all holidays (Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, including the ones mentioned above, etc.) pushed through mainstream media and religion are pagan; but if you don't believe me, that's fine...All you'd have to do is type in pagan origins of (whatever holiday you celebrate) and I guarantee some history will pop up.
Here's one last question you should ask yourself, if you are a follower of the Word...Why aren't any of the Holy days the Creator established in the earlier parts of the Word ever followed in mainstream media, religion, and especially the Christian church? Why aren't His Holy days ever mentioned?..like the Feast of Tabernacles, First Fruits, etc. It almost seem like someone don't want His followers doing any of that...
Hmm, very interesting indeed.
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