Friday, June 20, 2014

Who's Really Who? (Pt.1)

To better help you digest this information I'll break it into 2parts.  

Who are the true Natives of the Americas

Have you ever asked yourself that question before? I know I hadn't! That is, until a little while ago. 

When I was younger I never speculated anything as strange because I was always taught that "Black" people came from Africa and the "Native American" Indians were in the Americas first... In other words, this was their land and we ("African-Americans") were stolen from our home. 


Now, I want you take a look at some of these pictures... never have I heard any media coverage on them, nor are they really spoken about by majority of historians; I wonder why...?

The picture to the left is an Indigenous Chickasaw female with her child. Notice the date to the bottom left of 1832. 

Columbia, shown full-length standing to left, holding a standard showing the stars and stripes and an eagle, looking at two Indigenous males wearing feathered head-dresses. circa 1798 .

Wow....if the Natives of the land were dark skinned, Negro like peoples then who are these people and what's their true origins?? 

What's even more strange is that there is a video clip of a female historian bringing information to light about dark skinned Indians, she even wondered why no one has once made light of this information (and why mainstream has no clue about it).

*(Mobile version) Click on the links below to checkout the vids!

Also, check out this video. It is less than 3 minutes long and shows documented pictures (and artwork) after picture.

Interesting information right? Everything is not what it seems...

Click here for part 2!
(I will provide a link to it when it is finalized) 

*The pictures (and information about each picture) used on this post were gathered from:

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