Saturday, November 30, 2013

Is Being Perfect In An Imperfect World Possible?

-It Is Obtainable-

Before this year, I never really put much thought into whether or not I could possibly be "perfect", especially living in America, the land of whatever-you- like-goes.

I know that many people believe that there is absolutely no way that people can walk in perfection. One prime example is the Christian church (the only reason why I use the Christian church as an example is because I was a Christian for nearly a decade). Many Christian believers will say that Christ is the only one who was able to walk in perfection and that He did it for us, so that we don't have to do it ourselves...

I disagree...

The Messiah was indeed (and much more than) a perfect example of how followers of the Word should be but He also showed us that if He can do it, so can we...
(Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me).
And if we really are followers of the Bible, we should make it a top priority to discover how in fact we should do this...

One part to learning how to be perfect is by following the Laws and Commandments of the Bible. I know, most people (including myself before I looked into this earlier this year) might think...does the laws and commandments still stand? I thought the Messiah eradicated the laws/commandments when He died on the cross; I thought we were to only worry about His grace?  

Here are a few scriptures that you should look into when you are doing some Bible studying:

          1. What we should abide by:
Exodus 20:2-17
·       2. What we should/should not eat:
Leviticus 11:2-23
·       3  . What does Christ says about the Laws & Commandments:
Matthew 5:17
·         4. How to tell if someone knows the Lord:
1 John 2:3-6
·         5. What will happen to those who reject the truth:
Hebrews 10:26-30
·         6. What will happen to those who claim to know god but don’t keep His laws:
Matthew 7:21-23
·         7. How to gain eternal life:
Matthew 19:16-17
·         8. How to get in the Kingdom of Heaven:
Matthew 18:3-4

Here is a video that will help further explain things...

In addition to the information given above, being perfect does not just mean following the laws solely. It's a continual process that each believer should put forth effort to do; becoming perfect (along with following the Laws) can be understood more easily with the help of this video below:

*On another note*
There are many Israelite groups that believe the Bible was written specifically for Hebrews (Israelites) and that only Hebrews are worthy of reading it/being saved, etc... Honestly, I, too, believe that the Bible was indeed written for the Hebrews, but I also know that in Romans 1:16 (and other parts of the Word) it states, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." 

.As we come to understand that the Father is not a respecter of persons (Romans 2:10) and that He truly does not want anyone to perish...and if we really love the Lord, desire to show our love to Him, and want to be considered children/followers of the Most High God, then we need to seek Him in perfection.

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